Senin, 09 Januari 2012

The types of Popper

 Popper is a kind of artificial bait (lure) for fishingincluding top water popper lure,artificial bait that is running on the surface of the waterIt is said that the namecomes from the sound of water poppers which occurs at the time this feed was pulledIn the early days of development of poppersthis bait can be marked withdistinctive characteristicsnamely a flat part perpendicular or slightly angled on its snout, it serves to make the water splash and make a loud noises dihentak time thisfeed-stamping and played on the water surfaceAlong with the development of technology popping, poppers, poppers created many new and revolutionary formshave deviated far from the initial form of poppers.
The types of Popper

  1. Chugger, Popper type that usually has a wider diameter of the muzzle or the width ofthe body Popper, body length about 4 to 5 times the width of his body. Chuggerproduce sound when played hard.          
  2. Pencil, poppers has a snout that on average smaller than the width of the bodypoppers, body length of about 8 to 12 times the width of his body, some type of pencilis not flat but could muzzle is round. Pencil is more streamlined shape so less wind resistance that occurs, more used to throw against the wind conditions.
  3. Swimmerthis is the type of popper that can move like a zigzag or a moving live fish.Muzzle can be shaped flat or shaped like a pencil type.

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